What Do You Need For Product Photography?

So, exactly what do you need for product photography?

For those starting out with a simple photo-shoot, choosing the right photography gear can seem intimidating at first. Fortunately, for the best results, you don’t need to spend a small fortune on professional equipment.

With the right know-how and a few affordable photography tools, you can create a series of appealing images worthy of your online store. 

If you’re asking yourself: what do you need for product photography? Don’t sweat it - we’ve put together a list of everything you’ll need along with a step-by-step guide for doing a product photoshoot - check it out below. 


Why Is Product Photography Important?

Boost Product Appeal

With a creative eye and the right equipment, professional product photography can allow you to capture your products in a much more flattering manner. 

Whether it’s by subtly switching the angle, using crisp backdrops, or properly editing the photos after the photo-shoot - these seemingly simple photography tips can improve the visual aesthetic of your products. 

Stand Out From Competitors

An out-of-focus or poorly framed product photo can stick out like a sore thumb - impacting an eCommerce store’s credibility and reputation. 

Instead strive to use clean, crisp-looking product images. Not only will it help boost product appeal and drive sales, but you’ll also be standing above any of your competitors that aren’t meeting this benchmark. 


Meet Expectations 

Customers can get the wrong impression of how a product actually looks when the images have unrealistic filters or edits. This can be disappointing when the products arrive and these expectations aren’t met - leading to increased returns and bad word of mouth

With precise product photos, customers have a much better idea of what they’re purchasing and how it’s going to look when it arrives. With these expectations set in place, customers are more likely to be satisfied with their purchase. 

What Do You Need For Product Photography?

1. DSLR Camera 

Let’s start with the obvious - for a product photoshoot, you’re going to need a good DSLR camera. 

The amount of DSLR cameras on the market is staggering, and choosing one for a simple photo-shoot may seem like a daunting process - though it doesn’t need to be. Let’s simplify things. 

Particularly if your subject is still for the whole shoot, you’re not going to need a camera with extensive ISO ranges or exceedingly high megapixels. The same goes for the focusing system, it doesn’t need to be anything extravagant. For a basic shoot, a camera with around 20 - 24 megapixels is just fine, along with a 50mm or a kit lens - the Canon EOS 800D is a great option.

That being said, if you’re working on a shoestring budget, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of a smartphone’s camera. The technology has come a long way over recent years and you’d be surprised by the quality it can deliver. 


2. Tripod

Another staple of your photoshoot will be a sturdy tripod. They work to reduce camera-shake and improve the clarity of the images - especially when you’re shooting in low-light situations

When it comes to purchasing a tripod, you don’t need to break the bank with anything fancy. As long as it’s stable enough to hold your camera, it’s a winner. 

Though for more flexibility during the shoot, it always helps to have a tripod with an adjustable column down the middle in case you’d like to make slight changes to the height or shoot the product from above. 

3. Background

There are a few things to consider when choosing a background for your product - including the type of product photo you’re shooting, the product you’re working with, and the certain moods you’re trying to portray.

Backgrounds will often vary between the different types of product photos. For example, eCommerce images will traditionally have a pristine white background. Though if you’d like to give the shot more personality and share certain tones in your images, you could use a coloured backdrop with either brighter or moodier colour schemes. 

Another thing to consider is the type of product you’re working with. If you’re styling food or drinks, things can get very messy, very quickly. For these scenes, it’s best to use a vinyl surface that’s easy to clean and reuse - though they can be more expensive. 

Otherwise, for standard products, paper backdrops are versatile, convenient, and cost-effective.

4. Lighting 

Proper lighting is one of the most crucial elements of a photoshoot, yet it’s also one of the hardest elements to get right. 

For business owners working on a tight budget, using natural light is a great choice - it’s free and can produce organic-looking images. All you need to do is set up your product shoot next to a large window or door and you’re good to go. And if you need to soften any shadows, you can use a reflector to bounce the light to your liking. 

However, natural lighting can be a double-edged sword. On cloudy days, the light can be ever-changing and inconsistent.

If it fits your budget, consider investing in a set of studio lights. With them, you’ll have full control of the lighting over the scene. Plus, they are more flexible to use - for example, you won’t need to plan your photoshoot around the time of day and location.

That being said, artificial lighting can be expensive and requires more photography gear to use properly. If you’re just starting out with product photography, begin using natural light for your scenes and see what kind of results you achieve before upgrading to studio lights. 

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5. Light-box 

Especially for those classic white-background e-Commerce photos, using a light-box can help you take better, professional-looking images. 

In case you’re wondering, a light-box is a small cube-shaped tent made from a semi-transparent material. It’s designed to diffuse the incoming light to evenly illuminate the product and soften any shadows. 

To set up your light-box, start by unfolding the tent and placing it on a study table. Then, position the studio lights on the left and right sides of the box. Put the sweep on the inside of the light-box, and rest the product in the centre.

Since light-boxes are very affordable and can boost the quality of your images, using them for eCommerce photos is a good idea. 

How To Do A Product Shoot

Now that you’ve got everything you need, it’s time for the fun part - setting up your scene and completing the product photoshoot. These 5 simple steps will ease you through the process. 

1. Choose Your Location

Selecting a location is the first and most important step of your product shoot. If you’re using natural light, pick a location near large windows and doors. Turn off any house lights to avoid the natural and artificial light mixing.

Otherwise, if you’re shooting with studio lights, you’ll have much more flexibility when you’re choosing a location - especially since you’ll have full control over the scene’s brightness. 

2. Assemble The Lightbox 

Now that you know where you’re shooting, you can set up the light-box. 

Unfold the tent and place it on a sturdy table. Position two studio lights on the right and left side of the box. Then, use the paper backdrop to make a gradual sweep down the back of the box to the base - this is where your product will sit. 


3. Position The Product 

After the light-box is set-up, give the product a quick clean and place it in the middle of the backdrop. 

Often, you’ll find the simple front-on product shot isn’t the most appealing. Take some time to style the product and find its most-flattering angle. Have fun with this step and get creative with your angles. 

4. Take The Photo

Once the product is in position and you’re satisfied with the style, it’s time to start shooting. Set your DSLR up on a tripod and adjust your camera settings to suit the scene. 

If you’re happy with the composition, lock in these settings to keep all your product photos looking consistent. 

5. Edit The Shots 

We’re not done with the shoot just yet. To turn a photo from good to great, you should have the images touched-up in photo-editing platforms like Lightroom and Photoshop.

If you’re unfamiliar with the platforms or don’t have the time to learn, it might be best to hire a professional for the best results. This service isn’t too expensive and can make your photos look much better. 

Plus, the editors can adjust the export settings to optimise your photos for upload. 

For more information, be sure to check out our recent post: ‘How To Do A Product Shoot In 6 Easy Steps.’

In Summary

Doing a product photo-shoot doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive - all you need are the right tools to get the job done. With a simple DSLR camera, tripod, and light-box, you’d be surprised with the quality you can achieve.

Though if you’d prefer to save time and money, it might be best hire a professional. Product photographers aren’t overly expensive and taking advantage of these services can ensure you’re getting the best results for your online store.